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Tips to Reduce Hypertension-High Blood Pressure-उच्‍च रक्‍तदाब को कम करने के उपाय

1. Drink water – Drinking pure water at room temperature or warmer throughout the day can be a very effective tool in controlling blood pressure.

2. Avoid saturated and trans fats. Focus on healthy fats like those -- Olive Oil, Flax Seed Oil, and Canola Oil can also be used. Avoid all trans fatty acids found in all partially or fully hydrogenated oils.

3. Increase intake of potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Include more whole, fresh plant foods in your meals. Some potassium-rich foods include avocados, bananas, beans spinach, and squash.

4. Skip the salt. This is particularly important for salt-sensitive individuals. Sodium is present not only in table salt, but also in many processed and restaurant foods.

5. Cut refined sugars. Refined sugar is often converted to body fat, which is a primary risk factor in hypertension. Sugar itself has also been implicated in raising blood pressure.

6. Reduce alcohol intake. Chronic, excessive alcohol intake is one of the strongest indicators of hypertension.

(Courtesy - Shri ML Gupta, for his post in 'Food And Medicine')

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