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Tips to maintain vaginal hygiene-योनि स्वच्छता बनाए रखने के लिए उपाय

Vaginal discharge:What's normal?

Every day, your vagina secretes a small amount of fluid, carrying old cells lining the vaginal wall. This is its way of keeping it clean and healthy. This fluid (leucorrhea) is usually clear and has no smell. The amount secreted varies from person to person, and usually goes up right before your period, and in the 14th day of your cycle (ovulation). It's when the discharge has a foul odour, with itchiness, that you'll need to get it treated (common causes are yeast infections - Get it checked by your gynaecologist.
Some dos and don'ts:
Keep pubic hair short by trimming or waxing it. Laser hair reduction (at a reputed salon) for a more permanent solution is also available. When you wax the hair, you're pulling it from its root. This can lead to open pores, facilitating skin boils and rashes. Keep the skin clean before waxing and apply Betadine cream immediately afterwards to reduce any risk of infection.
Bathe or shower daily (twice a day in the summer). You can wash your vagina with Liquid Lactacyd soap solution (it's pH-balanced with lactic acid) to keep offensive smells under control. Always pat the genital area dry before wearing undergarments.
Vaginal douches carry a risk of infecting the uterus, so they're best avoided.
Hand wash and dry your undergarments, instead of popping them in the washing machine, along with jeans, socks and other clothes that may carry infection.
Use cotton underwear - it's more hygienic than a garment made out of a synthetic fabric and lets your skin "breathe", keeping perspiration and moisture away. It's a good idea not to wear panties at night.
If you're taking antibiotics, these can disturb the natural production of Doderlein Bacilli, that keep vaginal secretions acidic. This can give rise to a sudden yeast infection, causing itching and a thick discharge. An antifungal tablet, cream or suppository can clear this.
Avoid wearing tight pants, pantyhose, swimming suits or leotards for long periods
Source ~IndiaToday

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