Home » , , , , , , , , » Control Diabetes with Bitter Gourd-मधुमेह को नियंत्रित करें करेले के साथ

Control Diabetes with Bitter Gourd-मधुमेह को नियंत्रित करें करेले के साथ

Firstly select firm bitter gourds with no or few skin blemishes. It must measure about 5 – 12 inches long and must be either in the color of yellow-orange or green. The yellow-orange variety is not that bitter, but it has less powerful properties which lets the juice of bitter melon for controlling diabetes. You must wash the bitter melons in cool water.

Slice them well in such a way that the insides are exposed well.

Use tablespoon to remove the seeds of bitter melon.

Extract juice from bitter gourds by blending them in a juicing machine. You must use 4 – 5 melons to get a glass of juice.

In the morning, drink a small glass of bitter gourd juice with an empty stomach. If it consumed on an empty stomach, the juice accelerate the curative properties and thus controls diabetes.

Bitter melon juice must be continued for a period of 3 – 5 months. Bitter gourd plant insulin discovered.

The pancreas reacts to increasing blood sugar levels by secreting insulin into the blood. Insulin helps to transport the sugar from the blood to the skeletal muscle and the fat tissue where it is used to produce energy. Insulin will also stop the liver to produce sugar from glycogen storage and to release the sugar into the blood.

Thus, insulin is necessary to lower high blood sugar levels. In Type I diabetes, also called insulin-dependent diabetes, the pancreas does not produce or secrete enough insulin to keep blood sugar levels low. Bitter gourd has been shown to be effective in treating Type I diabetes in rats or mice by increasing pancreatic insulin secretion. Although bitter gourd may reduce the number of insulin injections required to manage Type 1 diabetes, it cannot replace insulin treatment completely or heal this form of the disease.

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